Beautiful Unknown

Since my early adulthood, I never really remember ever having a clear vision for my future. Not that I was ever pessimistic about it, it’s more like I just reveled in the moment. The present was the priority. It’s really not until recently that I’m convinced that in order to attain the things I want out of life, I have to truly place intention behind it and actually make it happen.
I’ve accomplished a little bit professionally, although I didn’t finish college so that I could start working after I discovered that I was pregnant with my now teenage daughter. My first full time job was as an Executive Assistant at a non-profit in Washington, DC. We were just scraping by. Soon after a promotion, just by luck, a recruiter called to speak to the woman I replaced and offered me an opportunity instead! Within a 13 year span I’ve tripled my salary, been promoted again, acquired a PMP certification and am working on my second promotion.
Even with all of those experiences over the years, I really can’t say that I planned much of it. Some things took initiative but most successes were totally reactionary. I could only image how far I could have been if I took control of my professional life sooner. Well, that’s pretty much the way I’ve lived my life outside of the work place. Take things as they come, experience it to the fullest and move on when it’s no longer exciting or challenging.
If you thought to yourself “Wow, she must be single…” then you are right!
I’ve unfortunately approached dating, finance, some friendships and social activities with the same level of passive fortuity. This way of being doesn’t always bode well when you’re interested in building a 6-month nest egg or fostering a long-term relationship. My ex’s will be happy that I’ve finally come to that realization!
Being single for as long as I have has been surprisingly freeing and low-stress. I’m one of those women who actually prefer it…. until of course I don’t. Not unlike most warm-blooded female humans, its usually around the time of year when pumpkin and turkey suddenly insert themselves into our vocabulary.
I used to love this about myself. That I was a “free spirit” at heart. I’m sure that I confuse my colleagues as a not bad looking woman in my late 30s and never been married. I can only imagine the rumors that have circulated about my love life within that company. I wonder how long I’ll keep them guessing.
Now a days, at this stage of my life I am beginning to think that living by chance and relying on serendipitous occurrences to push myself forward may not be the most productive approach to life. My dreams, education, wellness, finances and relationships deserve better attention and structure. After all, these things ultimately serve my well-being… and I love my being!
The challenge now is to stay on this path of goal-setting, planning and execution without totally loosing the part of myself that I adore who is still curious and excited about life’s little surprises. I’m tackling all areas at once and am totally looking forward to achieving my goals along with what I call the Beautiful Unknown.
Wish me luck… I mean… expected results